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VOIGTLANDER 21/1.8 Ultron Aspherical
NEW Voigtlander 21mm f/1.8 21/1.8 ULTRON M Mount
the 21/1.8 Mounted on the Leica M240 with Voigtlander 21/25 metal brightline finder, 21/4P and 21/1.8 side by side
Very Sharp Super Fast F/1.8 to F/22 getting great reviews
Comparable in size to the Voigtlander 35/1.2
About 1/5 the price of the 21/1.4 Leica Summilux
13 elements in 11 groups
1 Aspherical element
Close focus .5 meter
Rangefinder focusing to .7 meter
Weight 412 grams
58mm Filter size
10 Aperture Blades
Size: 78.4mm long, 69mm diameter
Fixed lens Hood
For digital Leicas, code it like the 21/1.4 Summilux
Tom Abrahamsson of Rapidwinder.com take on the New Voigtlander 21/1.8 Ultron he helped design!
The Ultron 21mm f1.8 on my Bessa R4M. I use the top-mounted finder for convenience - but even with the slight "blocking" of the lower 1/5th of the 21 finder in the R4 - works well without it.
The 21/1.8 M mount Ultron has been in the works for about 15 months. It completes a rather formidable VC fast M mount line-up, 21f1.8, 28f2, 35f1,2, 50f1.1 and the 75 f1.8 - fall and winter is coming and light is getting scarce! It is a M-mount lens - thus full frame. Size is the similar to the 35mm f1.2 - not small by any means, but then it is a f1.8 (smaller than the Summilux 21f1.4 - and 1/5 of the price). It looks bigger than it feels. Fits well in the hand. The hood adds "volume" to the look though. Light (this is a 21f1.8 after all) and very smooth with the 0.5 m close focus. However, it is surprisingly comfortable to handhold as the barrel is straight - not tapered Front element is slightly larger than the 35f1.2 - (58 mm versus 52 mm)
The aperture ring is up front and it has taken me a couple of rolls to get used to its location. With the R4M it does block the lower right hand corner a bit - but you get used to it and a quick "sweep" right gets the coverage - or simply use a 21 finder on top.
Distorsion is very well controlled as is edge fall off. According to Cosina, performance is said to be "very good" - and they have taken care to make the bokeh (the fuzzy stuff) particularly good at f1.8-f2.0. I did shoot a lot at f1.8 (spent almost 8 hours at Narita - which gave me a chance to use it at wide-open). Also some color in Kanesawa (great garden and park - and a spectacular Modern Art Museum).
Bests to Everybody,
Tom Abrahamsson
Portland, Maine. Nicely restored MGB. I shot it at f1.8 (1/2000s) just to see how well the lens handled the shallow depth of field. Focus is on the MGB emblem.
Ektar 100 @ 100.
Castle Garden
The Ultron 21 f1.8 at f1.8 and closest focusing distance (0.5 m). The rangefinder cuts out at 0.7 - but my strap has a piece of tape at 0.5 m as a guide.
Narita Airport in Japan - the Terminal 1, decorated with Hokusai prints and banners.
Arista 400 Premium in Rodinal 1:60 for 11 min.
The big market in Kanazawa, Japan. This is our lunch place. Close focus (around 0.6 m) - focus on the nearest beer bottle. f1.8.
Travel photos and text Copyright © 2012 Tom Abrahamsson All rights reserved.
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