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Nikon F2 Photomic Meter Repairs :
Many People will tell you the Nikon F2 Photomic Meters can not be repaired due to lack of parts. What is really happening most of the time is that they don't understand how it can be repaired, so they say it can't be repaired, really believing what they are saying. Yes, they can almost always be repaired, providing they have not been water, fire, or amateur repairman damaged.
Each meter is disassembled, cleaned, repaired, and calibrated. You will be happy.
F2 Photomic DP-1, DP-11 F2A Meters $125
F2S, F2SB, F2AS overhauls $150
Plus parts, in the unlikely event they really are needed.
Payment must accompany the Photomic Head (don't send the body if the problem is only with the meter)
Add $20 Priority Mail shipping back to you, within the US
If you have a non-working F2 finder, try the your Photomic head on another F2 body if you can. Sometimes F2 meters don't get power due to a battery compartment problem which requires the complete disassembly of the camera to get to the problem ($175), or due to the switch in the advance ($125).
Overhauls of Mechanical Nikon SLRs are $175, plus parts if necessary.
Average Turnaround is 3-4 weeks AFTER receipt
Home Camera Articles FOR SALE Orders I Buy / Wants Repairs Books Adapters
Revised: May 04, 2012 . Copyright � 1998-2012 Stephen Gandy. All rights reserved. This means you may NOT copy and re-use the text or the pictures in ANY other internet or printed publication of ANY kind. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.